About Us

Senior-Retirement-Living.com is part of the MHVillage family of websites. Since 2004, our goal has been to help people find manufactured housing living solutions that meet their needs.

To begin:

  1. Type a zip code or city state combination (ex. Bradenton, FL) in the search box at the top of the left column. Click Continue.
  2. We will show you a list of communities in that area. You can use the icons on the left to sort for the perfect one for you.
  3. Click the "Homes for Sale" tab on the top to see available homes for sale or rent in that area.

To advertise:

  • To put your home or community on Senior-Retirement-Living.com, please visit our Advertising page

To contact us:

  • Please email us at CustomerService@Senior-Retirement-Living.com


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